A few months ago, I was having a conversation with Lorraine (not a real name to protect her privacy) regarding how she had developed resilience with such great adversity coming at her. I became intrigued by her explanation of how she used her mindset to move forward despite all the challenges she would face. As […]
How to Bring Joyfulness and Tranquility To Our Every Day Life

What “if” you put on a different pair of glasses to help you see deeper within yourself? What would that look like? And, after the observation, would you want to change anything? Life for most can be simple; however, we tend to make it complicated. Part of the reason why is because everywhere we look, […]
How to Overcome Negative Emotions and Use Them To Create Change

What is the definition of dark clouds? According to the Webster Dictionary, Nimbostratus clouds are dark, gray clouds that seem to fade into falling rain or snow. They are so thick that they often blot out the sunlight. So what does it mean to have this dark cloud hover over our heads, following us around, and, […]
The Power of Pause: How to Reconnect with Yourself

Quiet time can be a powerful way to recharge your batteries, reflect on what is going well in your life and what needs to change or be tweaked. More importantly, it’s a time for our psyche/mind to restore itself and heal within. We get badgered by consistent assaults by the world’s demands, and if we […]
How to Tackle an Uncomfortable Mindset and Get Unstuck

Have you ever had an uncomfortable feeling gnawing at you because you have an array of unfinished projects? For instance, your files and papers are disorganized; your closet is “stuffed,” you can’t find anything and an endless list that continues to pile up. Everywhere you look, there appears to be clutter–mentally and physically! I can […]
Quick Tips To Build New Habits

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung How do we become conscious when we are often in the unconscious? Consider this: there have been times that we move around our daily life by default–automatically–why? It’s a habit! Here is an example, we drive […]
The Power of a Personal Vision

Many of us have reflected on this tumulous year and may be wondering what’s next? “How did we survive having been shaken at our core?” And, “What will I do differently because of it?” What is the lesson here?”These questions need much reflection! The irony of this is that we have incorporated new habits, new insights, […]
A Year We Will Never Forget!

Can you believe that 2020 is behind us, yet the remnants of the year linger on like the tinsel of the Christmas tree we threw out! At the same time, this year, we’ve become more resilient than ever! Three weeks before the pandemic, I lost my Mom. It was the most devastating blow to my […]

Have you ever asked yourself: WHAT IS MY FEAR REALLY ABOUT? DO WE DISTRACT ourselves by keeping busy? DO WE RUN AWAY from looking DEEP INSIDE? IS FEAR stopping us from living a peaceful, accomplished life? In reality, FEAR can be our most valuable of dark teachers. It helps us actually AVOID living in […]

DISCOMFORT IS THE CATALYST FOR GROWTH Yes, you read correctly: get comfortable with being uncomfortable. We, as a society, lean too heavily on the narrative that we must bask in the waters of serenity and comfort ALL THE TIME. THAT IS AN ILLUSION! This way of thinking can be an early DEATH to the spirit. […]